UNIX Commands Unveiled By the Q This file is to help you out on all those hard UNIX commands. Heh, heh. In the white is what you type at the prompt. Hopefully you know what the prompt is. In the green is what it does. Anything in red can and should be changed to fit your needs. I just wrote these as they came to me so they are not in any order. Good luck. lo Logs you out of the system. Always log out, if you dont it could be seen by others. pico Starts the text editor application, pico. pine pico filename Either creates a new file named filename or edits the file named filename. pine Starts the e-mailer proggie. man command Displays help or info about a certain command. If you want to know what 'cd' command does, type: man cd - simple right? mkdir subdirectory1 Creates a new directory, or folder as I prefer, called subdirectory1. rmdir subdirectory Removes the directory named subdirectory cd subdirectoryname Changes current directory to the one specified. cd Changes directory to home dir. cd .. Changes the directory up one level, or back to the previous dir. ls Lists content of current dir. ls -l Long version of directory listing. ls -C Lists files in vertical manner. ls -l This command lists the directory contents in long format. Information similar to the following is displayed when you issue this command. size file/dir name total 3 \ / -rw------- 1 jdoe staff 1024 Sept 4 10:35 filename drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe staff 2048 Jan 24 11:28 Mail/ drwxr-xr-x 3 jdoe staff 2048 Jan 23 09:28 News/ | | \ \ | file info links owner staff/stud date changed ls -la Lists hidden files. cat filename Shows entire content of file called filename. cat > newfile Create new file called newfile cat f1 > f2 Copies f1 to f2 cat f1 f2 > f3 Places concatenation of f1 and f2 in f3 cat f1 >> f3 Appends f1 to f3 cat f1 | sort Sorts the lines of f1 cat f1 f2 | sort > f3 Concatenates f1 and f2, sorts the result and places it in f3 pg filename List file one page at a time. Press space to see next page. more filename Displays file one screen at a time. Same as above. tail filename Displays last 10 lines of file. mv file1 file2 Rename file1 to file2. cp file1 file2 Copy file1 to file2. lpr file1 Print file1 to line printer. ls | lpr Print output (i.e., directory) to line printer. tprint file1 Print file1 to local printer. diff textfile1 textfile2 Compare textfile1 to textfile2. cmp binfile1 binfile2 Compare binary files. passwd Change password. rm filename Remove file. who Display names of users on system. who | more Shows who is logged on right now. who am i Tells you who you are. finger username Display information about specific user. fs quota Indicates disk space used and left. fs listquota Additional info about your disk quota. pwd Displays the present working dir. mv old-filename new-filename Renames a file. mv old-directory-name new-directory-name Moves contents of one dir to another. ? Displays help Well, thats it for now. Hope this is useful to you. If not, go to a damn search engine, I'm sure they have some kind of documentation about UNIX commands. Geesh. Q